Do you need somebody to code?

Hi! I'm a Full-Stack Web Developer. Yes, I enjoy the front-end as much as the back-end. And I'm pretty sure that I will enjoy building your product, feature, or website. Check my work and experience, and contact me if I'm the man that you need for your project.

My work in Social Networks


SF Summit
Sci-Fi Summit
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Book Opinions
Daiuk: Book Opinions
HTML/CSS Ruby on Rails
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Book Opinions
Teatro desde la nada
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About me

I studied Linguistics. My love for languages and syntax took me to code. Check my work and experience. If you have a project to develope, contact me!

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Ruby Python HTML CSS JavaScript(ES5/ES6)


Bootstrap Ruby On Rails RSpec Capybara Selenium


Bootstrap Bulma Codekit Codepen Github Gitlab Terminal